HTML Quiz 2
Right Click on this page and view the source code, then save the source code window as Quiz2-YourName.html (be sure to put your name in the name of the file.) Open it up in your text editor (Dreamweaver or Brackets).
Put your answers under each question.
Keep your answers short, clear, and concise. Long answers are more likely to be marked wrong.
1. What are the pros and cons of using graphics for buttons?
Replace this with your answer...
2. What does SSI stand for and how is it used?
3. What do you need to be running to get your include files to work properly on your local computer?
4. What is the most efficient way to get video on a Webpage.
5. What is the differneces between the Get and Post form methods and why would you use on over the other?
6. How do you target an element using JavaScript?
7. Write a line of JavaScript that demonstrates how to modify the background color atribute of an element.
8. List three things that help your page get found on a google search as was discussed in class?
9. Write out the code for a CSS print Medea Type (be careful to be complete)?
10. What do you plan to do with all these web development skills you that you have learned?